Dudley Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Dudley Private Hospital specialist Danielle Delaney

Dr Danielle Delaney


Dr Delaney is a Urologist with interests including Functional Urology, Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology

Danielle is a fully accredited Urologist having completed her medical training at the University of Sydney and the Northern Clinical School (Royal North Shore Hospital). She completed her formal Urology training in Victoria, after which she returned to Sydney to attain a Fellowship of Paediatric Urology at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, where she has recently served as Head of Urology. Danielle has also spent time working in Shanghai, China in Paediatric Urology. She has since opened a private practice offering services to both adults and children.

In adults, she has a special interest in endoscopic urology including renal calculi and bladder cancer. In children she has a special interest in congenital kidney and bladder pathology, renal calculi and voiding issues. Danielle provides antenatal consultations for congenital urological conditions and is often involved in complex pregnancies of both maternal and foetal origin. Danielle also has extensive experience in kidney and bladder stone surgery and is able to provide minimally invasive techniques such as flexible ureteroscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy. She is one of the few Urologists accredited to operate on children with kidney stones and is involved in NSW paediatric multi-disciplinary stone service at Sydney Children’s Hospital Network. As one of the few female Urological surgeons in Sydney, Danielle can provide empathetic care to those patients who are more comfortable with a female surgeon.

Danielle operates privately at North Shore Private Hospital and The Castlecrag Private Hospital. She is also a VMO at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick where both public and private paediatric patients can be admitted. Danielle consults out of her rooms in Cammeray and has recently opened The Yellow Spot Clinic which provides multi-disciplinary children’s continence care on Sydney’s lower north shore. This is a GP led service for children with daytime urinary incontinence and nocturnal enuresis.

Dr Delaney offers a direct access cystoscopy service at Castlecrag Private Hospital for patients with haematuria or recurrent urinary tract infections or lower urinary tract symptoms. Please contact the rooms on 02 8920 1161 or via the website www.drdanielledelaney.com.au

Special Interests:

Danielle has a special interest in functional urology and is passionate about optimising bladder function from birth to death. At Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, she has improved management of continence issues for children and adolescents. She has been involved in two international clinical trials for Overactive Bladder (OAB) in adolescents and neurogenic bladder in children and adolescents. Danielle often works as a proctor instructing urological colleagues on subspecialised procedures such as sacral neuromodulation for urinary incontinence. Danielle has been recognised as an expert in managing refractory OAB and is often requested to speak on behalf of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Continence Foundation of Australia, including facilitating workshops on intravesical Botulinum toxin A. Danielle performs urodynamics evaluations in her clinic utilising ultrasound, preventing unnecessary exposure to radiation. She is able to provide a complete range of management for urinary incontinence including stress urinary incontinence.

Additionally, Danielle works in conjunction with Northcott to provide urological care to children and adults with Spina bifida and complex continence issues. Danielle also treats many patients with urological conditions from Multiple Sclerosis and spinal cord injuries.

Dr Delaney consults in Orange on a fortnightly basis and operates at Dudley Private Hospital.

Dr Delaney specialises in General Urology including Functional Urology, Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology