Dudley Private Tops for Patient Satisfaction
Oct 01, 2012
Dudley Private Hospital has rated in the top 7% of hospitals in the country in a recent survey of patient satisfaction.
When compared to just private hospitals, Dudley Private rated in the top 4% of hospitals and when compared to hospitals of a similar size (50 – 100 beds) it rated in the top 1% of hospitals in the country.
The survey of patient satisfaction was conducted independently by Press Ganey Associates and ranked Dudley Private Hospital against 219 public and private hospitals in the country and taking into account feedback from over 30,000 patients.
The survey measures patient’s feedback on a wide range of indicators including nursing and medical care, the admission and discharge process, the accommodation and meals.
The overall mean score for Dudley was 89.0 which was an improvement on the last patient satisfaction survey. 93% of hospitals in the country recorded scores lower than Dudley.
Dudley Private CEO Trevor Matheson said the result was a wonderful acknowledgement of the hard-working, customer-oriented staff and doctors at Dudley Private Hospital.
“Dudley Private is very proud of its health service delivery and these results are a testament to the care and dedication of our team,” said Mr Matheson said.
For further information please contact:
Trevor Matheson: 02 6361 6765